Participant Testimonials

Many people tell us that our Cultural Awareness and Allyship Training is the best they have ever experienced. But you don’t need to take our word for it! Watch and read some of the many testimonials we have received from our happy customers.

“The calibre of the presenters was extraordinary … Carla and Aunty Munya [are] quite experienced people in many fields.”

“I can’t honestly offer it up enough – everyone needs to take this.”

Tineille McDonald 

Centacare Griffith

“I’ve learned so much about Indigenous culture, and it’s definitely changed who I am.”

Lesley Zarb


Some of our happy reconciliation and cultural competency partners

“I just finished my Cultural Awareness training! That was so good! Really informative, easy to watch and packed with great information. Our staff are going to take so much from it.  It really is a fantastic and massive step forward for us. A really good example of collaboration and working towards reconciliation.”

Michael Scott
ANZ Director - Reconciliation and Indigenous Inclusion

“I completed the Cultural Awareness Training yesterday and just wanted to reach out and say how good I thought it was. Having lived in Darwin for 7 years I’ve worked in remote Aboriginal communities and completed a fair few Cultural Awareness training sessions over the years on different projects and with various companies. That one was by far the best. Really practical information for people to take away and start implementing in their everyday conversations with both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous people.”

Elana Balderstone
Senior Associate Environmental Consultant
Ruhee Meghani

“I have thoroughly enjoyed connecting with you from the start, and want to appreciate your agility and flexibility to create a unique session for our organisation’s needs. We walked away with a deeper understanding of honouring Country, and what it means to Acknowledge Country in an authentic way.”

Ruhee Meghani
Community Lead, Lululemon

“Beyond the content itself being accessible, friendly, clear and empowering. The way you’ve used technology, really lovely videos throughout the process, makes me feel connected to you both and confident in my learning and experience. We’ve applied some of this to how we engage with our clients already!”

Simon Smallchua
Founder, Harvey.
Helen Radford

“This program has taught me so much that I didn’t know and wished I knew before today! It has provided me with much needed knowledge, and a better understanding of what I can do to contribute to Reconciliation and in creating a kinder, fairer Australia. It has given me the confidence to be an Ally and more effectively fulfil my role on our RAP working group and to be a supportive voice in society in general.”

Helen Radford
Operations Manager – People and Culture
Maurice Pratt

“The course gives you a better appreciation of the history of the First Nations people.  Presentation was informal and informative.
Very easy to understand and follow along with. Everyone should do it!!!”

Maurice Pratt
Murrays Coaches Australia
Katie Williams

“Well worth it, it takes no time at all and gives valuable information. Aunty Munya has a wonderful, kind but direct teaching style. Great use of images and photos, music and concrete examples to help apply the content. The 7 different steps were easy to follow and answered many questions for me.”

Katie Williams
Consultant, Pinsent Masons
Maxwell Love

“Highly recommended! Aunty Munya was such a clear, empathetic communicator. There was a brilliant connect with the audience without creating a guilt-barrier for participants that are not Indigenous. I particularly loved the synopsis of Indigenous history in direct relation to the modern history of white Australia. This base level of knowledge should be understood and shared by ALL Australians to acknowledge and respect First Nations people.”

Maxwell Love
Senior Manager, Digital Content Marketing, Cushman & Wakefield
Gordon Cairns

“Thank you Aunty Munya and Carla, for your hospitality and generosity in yarning with me. I felt both humbled by how little I knew, and inspired by the wisdom. It is my privilege to learn from you.”

Gordon Cairns
Chairman, Woolworths Group
Jan Hatch - Ally Accreditation Program

“I really appreciated the simple, straightforward, friendly approach and the examples Aunty Munya and Carla gave from their own experience. I now feel confident that I can work alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in a way that is supportive and effective.”

Jan Hatch
Counsellor & Therapist

“It was so easy to understand and digest. I learned so much! It has opened my eyes to so much that I didn’t know but also ways that I can become an Ally. My advice to others is to do it! It’s fantastic!”

Alexandra Marks
Senior Executive Assistant, Adobe
Paul Marnoch

Aunty Munya is very engaging and easy to listen to. The key take-away for me was to keep a check on my unconscious bias and to listen and reflect with an open mind. I would tell anyone considering this program that they will absolutely learn something new from this training!

Paul Marnoch
Human Resources Partner, IBM Australia

“I haven’t stopped telling colleagues and friends about Aunty Munya’s intelligent and insightful teaching style. Before the program, I was hesitant to reach out to learn more – I did not want to be intrusive, but Aunty Munya showed me how this can be done in a respectful and helpful way. This training turns theory into something practical, accessible and meaningful. It left me feeling inspired about change for the first people of Australia, and I learnt a lot about my culture too.”

Tara Mazzulla
Department of Jobs and Small Business

“I loved that there was a great mix of activities and information and that we were being taught by someone with great experience in the subject matter. I really enjoyed that it wasn’t “us vs them” as the training I have done in the past has been. It was just extremely informative, and it focused on similarities as well as differences. Do it! As well as learning a lot, it was a fun and interactive day.”

Stephanie Colebourne
Department of Environment and Energy

“As Australians, we sometimes fall into the trap of thinking that we’re informed about Aboriginal culture due to lessons in primary/high school – I learnt so much in one day that was not raised at all at school. I found the program incredibly worthwhile and I would encourage anyone to attend.”

Legal Aid NSW

“I really loved the warmth and kindness of Carla and Aunty Munya and the openness of discussions. This felt like a very safe place to engage and ask questions, and I learned a lot. Go to this training with an open heart and mind, and you will enrich your life – both personally and professionally.”

Nicki Radford
Steiner Education Australia
“I loved this training. It was great to learn in so many different ways – story telling, watching videos, listening to songs, doing group activities and self reflecting. It is so important for every workplace to take part in this training. In fact, everyone in Australia should!”
Rebecca Uphill
Department of Parliamentary Services

“Many of our staff tell us it is the best cultural competency training they have ever experienced and has transformed their approach to working with Aboriginal health organisations. I encourage others to partner with Evolve because of their strategic, thorough and holistic approach.”

Kristen Toohey
Project Manager Aboriginal Programs, Cancer Council NSW
Alisha Elliott

“With Evolve we created a resource to support our people to be more culturally aware in delivering health and care in Australia and provide guidance on showing respect to our Traditional Owners. Working together was very much a partnership and a unique learning experience that supported our commitment to Reconciliation.”

Alisha Elliott
Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Manager, BUPA
“Working with Evolve has been a great partnership towards increasing our organisational cultural awareness at a national level. The tailored programs are highly interactive and experiential. I have observed our staff walking away with increased levels of confidence, understanding and inspiration and often with the positive exclamation ‘best training ever’.”
Adrian Cheatham
Assistant Director, Workplace Diversity Team Australian Taxation Office