Cultural Awareness Workshops for Your Leaders or Entire Organisation

Compassionate Approach

Simple Set Up

Real Transformation

With options for businesses and teams of all sizes, both in-person and online. Watch our short introductory video to learn more.

Trusted By Australia’s Top Employers

What do Our Clients Love About Our Yarning Circles?

Virginia Moller, Steiner Education Australia

Tineille McDonald, Centacare Griffith

Lesley Zarb, Bamara

Choose The Right Yarning
Circle For Your Business


Interactive Workshops For Up To 30 Participants
Cultural Awareness Workshops
  • Content: Take a comprehensive deep dive into the 7 Steps™ proven to build cultural competency and develop confident Allies.
  • Ideal Audience: Leaders & Teams responsible for Reconciliation, Community Engagement, Workplace Culture and/or Diversity & Inclusion in your organisation.
  • Delivery Method: In-person or Online – our highly interactive workshops are delivered by two Evolve Accredited Facilitators, one Indigenous and one non-Indigenous, modelling Allyship.
  • Time Commitment: 7 Steps Part One – Groundwork Yarns (Half day in-person or 3 hours online), 7 Steps Part Two – Hard Yarns (Half Day in-person or 3 hours online), All 7 Steps – Part One & Two (Full Day in-person or 2 x 3 hour sessions online)), Senior Leader Intensive (2 hours in-person or online).


Engaging Webinars For Your Entire Organisation
Cultural Awareness Webinars
  • Content: Choose from a range of topics relevant to your workplace or demonstrate your Allyship by acknowledging significant dates.
  • Ideal Audience: Inspire your entire organisation (up to 2000 participants) to become Allies and create a stronger, more culturally aware and inclusive workplace.
  • Delivery Method: An engaging, live webinar, with time for Q&A, hosted by Evolve’s Leaders; Aunty Munya Andrews, Carla Rogers and/or Kate Kelleher.
  • Time Commitment: 60-minutes – perfect for your lunch & learn.

What Do People Say About
Our Cultural Awareness Training?

Meet Our Accredited Workshop Facilitators

Evolve’s Co-Directors and Program Designers bring authentic cultural knowledge and decades of experience putting Allyship into action.

Aunty Munya Andrews is an Aboriginal Elder who, despite growing up socially disadvantaged, has obtained degrees in anthropology and law and is an accomplished author, educator, and sought-after speaker. 

Carla Rogers is a Churchill Fellow, award-winning program designer, facilitator, and community engagement specialist. Despite being non-Indigenous, she has dedicated her 30+ year career to supporting and engaging First Nations people and communities, and practicing Allyship.

Together they have developed the tried-and-tested 7 Steps to Reconciliation and Allyship™ framework and co-authored the book, Practical Reconciliation.


Our Facilitators bring real world experience and commitment to Allyship.   

Our Yarning Circle workshops are delivered by an Indigenous and non-Indigenous team of facilitators who are hand picked, trained and accredited in the 7 Steps framework by Aunty Munya and Carla.

By having an Indigenous and non-Indigenous facilitator in the room, modelling Allyship, your team benefits from the authentic cultural knowledge of a First Nations person, and a real world example of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people working successfully together.


Evolve Communities - Accredited Facilitators

Evolve Co-Directors, Carla Rogers & Aunty Munya Andrews, with some of our Accredited Facilitators and Allies.

Whichever workshop you chose, your business will have a qualified staff and management team, with a shared cultural understanding, who can ensure cultural safety in your workplace. Your staff will have greater awareness and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and have the confidence and skills they need to work alongside First Nations people, businesses and communities.

Why Is Evolve The Trusted Cultural Awareness Provider For Australia’s Leading Employers?

Aunty Munya Andrews

Authentic Cultural Knowledge

Supply Nation certified, Indigenous business led by Aboriginal Elder, Educator and Author, Aunty Munya Andrews.

Carla Rogers

Real Allyship Expertise

Co-led by non-Indigenous Community Engagement specialist, award-winning Learning Designer and Ally, Carla Rogers.

Hugging Bears

No Blame, Guilt Or Shame

Ask any question about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and culture, without any fear during the training – get an honest answer and have some laughs along the way!

Talk to us about building a stronger, more inclusive workplace through our cultural competence training.