The Seven Steps to Reconciliation and Allyship™

Countless options.
One innovative approach.

You and your team are invited to immerse yourselves in the Seven Steps for Practical Reconciliation™, our tried-and-tested framework for building confidence to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. This innovative approach underpins all of our programs for a reason: it works.

Regardless of the format, duration or delivery method you choose, the benefits and content remain consistent – it’s just a matter of how deep you wish to go.

Learning Outcomes – The Magic Seven

With our seven steps, you will walk away with the skills to communicate effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This means having the self-confidence and motivation to better engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and enabling you to improve your service delivery.

Step 1: Reconciliation

Cultural awareness is important. We like to start by outlining its relevance to the workplace, and introducing Reconciliation Australia’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) program.

Step 2: Diversity, Identity and Stereotypes

Next, we focus on Indigenous cultural diversity in Australia, along with the many nations and language groups. We explore the concepts of Indigeneity and Identity. We take a closer look at some themes of commonality and differences between these nations and, of course, break down stereotypes.

Step 3: Our Shared History

It’s crucial that we acknowledge the events in our shared history that impact on all Australians. More specifically, we examine the effect of the Stolen Generation, and the ongoing impact of intergenerational trauma on Australia’s First People.

Step 4: Communication, Cultural Baggage and Unconscious Bias

During this hands-on step, we take a closer look at the concept of cultural baggage’ as a form of unconscious bias. We discuss strategies for maintaining awareness of this bias and working constructively with it.  We also explore cultural differences in communication, including body language and the uniqueness of Aboriginal English.

Step 5: Family and Kinship, Sorry  Business and Cultural Leave

We explore the complexity, ingenuity, and sense of belonging that family and kinship systems provide – and workshop some situations where this might be relevant today in the workplace.

Step 6: Closing the Gap and Privilege

It’s time to unpack the government’s Closing the Gap initiative: what it is and what it means for Australia. We also take a look at the concept of privilege and the role it plays in creating a gap.

Step 7: Becoming an Ally

We unearth some strategies you can implement straight away to promote Reconciliation in the workplace, and become an ally to Indigenous peoples.

“I just finished my Cultural Awareness training! That was so good! Really informative, easy to watch and packed with great information. Our staff are going to take so much from it.  It really is a fantastic and massive step forward for us. A really good example of collaboration and working towards reconciliation.”

Michael Scott
ANZ Director - Reconciliation and Indigenous Inclusion

“Beyond the content itself being accessible, friendly, clear and empowering. The way you’ve used technology, really lovely videos throughout the process, makes me feel connected to you both and confident in my learning and experience. We’ve applied some of this to how we engage with our clients already!”

Simon Smallchua
Founder, Harvey.

The program was so interactive and well run. Munya had many stories – I could have sat there for weeks listening. The exercise discussing Skins and the impact the Stolen Generation was mind blowing. The exercise regarding privilege was also fantastic. It outlined how lucky I really am and how much of a gap there still is.

Rochelle Litster
Department of Parliamentary Services

Learning Benefits – The Magic Seven

  1. Meet your Social Responsibility vision and Reconciliation Action Plan targets through relevant, interactive and practical training.
  2. Relax knowing that your team will love the training (it is not boring, irrelevant or shaming) and we back that with a guarantee of achieving agreed training objectives and participant satisfaction levels.
  3. Increase your team’s general communication skills and confidence with our R3 Culture approach ®, a practical and simple tool for improving relationships and communications with everyone.
  4. Improve your business performance by creating more effective and relevant services and programs that meet the needs of your clients.
  5. Increase cultural safety within your organisation to attract and retain Indigenous staff. Be, and be known as, a great place to work, and be recognised as an organisation that values both its team and clients.
  6. Have the hard data to demonstrate to management and key stakeholders the impact and results of the training in an easy to read and digestible form.
  7. Be confident and safe in the knowledge that our programs are the real deal. They have been designed, tested and improved over many years by our co-Directors: Aboriginal Elder and cultural expert, Aunty Munya Andrews, and learning design expert Carla Rogers. All programs are facilitated by Aunty Munya and Carla (for online programs) or our accredited Indigenous Facilitators.

“I just finished my Cultural Awareness training! That was so good! Really informative, easy to watch and packed with great information. Our staff are going to take so much from it.  It really is a fantastic and massive step forward for us. A really good example of collaboration and working towards reconciliation.”

Michael Scott
ANZ Director - Reconciliation and Indigenous Inclusion

“I completed the Cultural Awareness Training yesterday and just wanted to reach out and say how good I thought it was. Having lived in Darwin for 7 years I’ve worked in remote Aboriginal communities and completed a fair few Cultural Awareness training sessions over the years on different projects and with various companies. That one was by far the best. Really practical information for people to take away and start implementing in their everyday conversations with both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous people.”

Elana Balderstone
Senior Associate Environmental Consultant

“I have thoroughly enjoyed connecting with you from the start, and want to appreciate your agility and flexibility to create a unique session for our organisation’s needs. We walked away with a deeper understanding of honouring Country, and what it means to Acknowledge Country in an authentic way.”

Ruhee Meghani
Ruhee Meghani
Community Lead, Lululemon

“Beyond the content itself being accessible, friendly, clear and empowering. The way you’ve used technology, really lovely videos throughout the process, makes me feel connected to you both and confident in my learning and experience. We’ve applied some of this to how we engage with our clients already!”

Simon Smallchua
Founder, Harvey.

“This program has taught me so much that I didn’t know and wished I knew before today! It has provided me with much needed knowledge, and a better understanding of what I can do to contribute to Reconciliation and in creating a kinder, fairer Australia. It has given me the confidence to be an Ally and more effectively fulfil my role on our RAP working group and to be a supportive voice in society in general.”

Helen Radford
Helen Radford
Operations Manager – People and Culture

“It was an excellent learning journey and really challenged me and opened my eyes to the role of an Ally. Also, to the responsibility which comes with privilege for taking steps to close the gap in support of First Nations people. I’m now more aware of the role I play daily in being an Ally and how I can contribute towards Reconciliation.”

Evolve Accredited Ally - Paul Hooper
Paul Hopper
National Manager at The Smith Family

“I loved the activities that got us all engaged. Even though I thought I knew a bit I learnt plenty of new things. It was very worthwhile.”

Sarah Whitworth
Sarah Whitworth
Senior Analyst, Customer Insights, Expedia Group

“The course gives you a better appreciation of the history of the First Nations people.  Presentation was informal and informative.
Very easy to understand and follow along with. Everyone should do it!!!”

Maurice Pratt
Maurice Pratt
Murrays Coaches Australia

“Well worth it, it takes no time at all and gives valuable information. Aunty Munya has a wonderful, kind but direct teaching style. Great use of images and photos, music and concrete examples to help apply the content. The 7 different steps were easy to follow and answered many questions for me.”

Katie Williams
Katie Williams
Consultant, Pinsent Masons

“Contemporary, relevant and concise, the course was easy to digest and apply in small steps. It provides valuable context for cultural awareness and should be required bare minimum training for our community if we haven’t been fortunate enough to have experiential learning.”

Alex Ogg
Alex Ogg
Director, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation

Join over 33,000 people across Australia and become culturally aware with Evolve.