Carla Rogers, Director, Learning Designer & AllyCARLA ROGERS

Founder, Director, Learning Designer & Ally


When most of her friends were having their gap year in Europe, Carla set off for the remote Kimberley, inspired by a longstanding desire to learn from our First Nations people. It’s a journey she’s still on today.

A Churchill Fellowship in 2001 led to her founding Evolve in 2005, before joining forces with Aunty Munya in 2011 to focus on Closing the Gap between black and white Australia. 

A highly-respected community engagement specialist, program designer and facilitator, Carla makes sure that participants at Evolve’s training sessions don’t just leave more aware – of other cultures and of themselves. They also go back to work ready to use time-tested leadership and communication skills – skills that have never been more important. Laying the wisdom of the Elders over a world-class facilitation framework has resulted in award-winning solutions. 

Carla is driven to inspire her fellow non-Indigenous Australian’s to become passionate and effective Allies to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


Take The Ally Pledge

Join Carla and show our Indigenous brothers and sisters that we are here for them, we value their Voices and we are committed to continuing the journey towards Reconciliation.