Candice Smith, Accredited Non-Indigenous Facilitator, Evolve CommunitiesCANDICE SMITH

Non-Indigenous Facilitator


Candice Smith is leadership development consultant and Evolve Accredited Facilitator living in Naarm (Melbourne).

Candice has worked globally as a facilitator and coach with a range of organisations and individuals in contexts of transformation, spanning three decades. As a leadership consultant and Thinking Environment specialist she partners individuals and groups to usher in new ways of working and being which challenge assumptions and embody diversity, connection, ease, inclusion and well-being of people and the planet. A great joy is training and supervising facilitators and coaches. 

As a descendent of southern African First Nations peoples, and having grown up in Apartheid South Africa, she is profoundly attuned to the role which accessing Indigenous wisdom can play in ushering in transformation. Witnessing the power and potential of the Truth and Reconciliation process in South Africa in the 1990s after Apartheid was dismantled had a profound effect on Candice. When Candice immigrated to Australia over a decade ago, she set an intention to be of service in the Reconciliation space here. 

Finding Evolve Communities and their transformational approach to Practical Reconciliation has been a huge gift and she thrives on creating warm and engaging spaces for discovery, reflection and application of Indigenous wisdom.


Book A Yarning Circle Workshop

Are you ready to engage your Leadership Team or RAP Committee with a highly interactive Yarning Circle Workshop, facilitated by Evolve’s Accredited Facilitators?