The Seventh Step: Becoming an Ally

By now you may have taken our Cultural Awareness Quiz, done the Online Privilege Walk, read our book Practical Reconciliation or been a participant in our cultural awareness training

You appreciate the richness and diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, the impact of privilege on creating a gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people and you’ve discovered the seven practical steps you can take to make a difference. 

And if you have done any of the above, it’s likely you also share our vision of a kinder and more inclusive Australia.

Research shows that diversity and inclusion is not only a noble aspiration, the business case is stronger than ever. For example, this recent report from the McKinsey Institute found the most diverse companies outperform their less diverse peers on profitability.

Sadly, the report also shows a growing divide between those that are succeeding in meeting diversity targets and those that are slipping behind and that overall, progress is slow. This lack of progress has very real implications. In recent months we’ve seen firsthand how poor community outreach can have devastating results, with outbreaks of COVID-19 in Aboriginal communities.

There’s a great expression ascribed to Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, which goes: “Diversity is a fact. Inclusion is a choice.” 

But often people get stuck with what to do next. How do you transform that choice, that desire to create a diverse and inclusive culture, into tangible outcomes and measurable change?

The answer lies in the seventh step of our tried-and-tested Practical Reconciliation framework, which is to become an Ally.


An Ally is someone who supports, empowers or stands up for another person or group of people. 

Through their actions, an Ally can effectively change attitudes, behaviours, policies and practices that impact marginalised groups.

Learn more about what Allyship really is here.

Evolve’s co-Director, Carla Rogers, explains more in this video recorded earlier this year as part of our Actions for Allies on Australia Day series:

It’s no surprise that the National Reconciliation Week theme this year was: More Than a Word: Reconciliation Takes Action, because at its core, Allyship is all about action!

But how do you know what action to take? How do you know when to step forward and when to step back? And what if you accidentally do or say the wrong thing?

Allyship requires a good deal of courage, confidence and skill. It is important to have first developed your cultural competency, and to have effective frameworks and proven approaches to draw on, which is why we are so excited to introduce Evolve’s Ally Accreditation program.


Evolve’s Ally Accreditation Program is designed to develop the capability of professionals to work effectively as an Ally alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities.

This accreditation will be of particular value to Indigenous and non-Indigenous people working in Community Engagement, Health, HR, Leadership and Management, Legal, Management Consulting, Marketing and Public Relations, Training and Facilitation.

On successful completion of this comprehensive, self-paced online program you will have demonstrated your understanding of, and ability to apply: the seven competencies from Evolve’s Seven Steps™ to Practical Reconciliation Framework; the R3 Culture® Communication Approach; and the Songlines Pathways™ Community Engagement Framework.

Accredited Allies will also have the option to pursue Accreditation and employment as Evolve Assistants and Facilitators, needed to help us meet the anticipated demand for in-person workshops in the new year.

Learn more and start the Ally Accreditation Program.

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Respect for Diversity in the Workplace

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