Shanice Leadbeatter, Indigenous FacilitatorSHANICE LEADBETTER

Indigenous Facilitator


Shanice Leadbeatter is a Wiradjuri/Bundjalung woman currently living in the Central Coast. She is an Aboriginal Engagement and Regulatory Practice Advisor with the NSW Early Childhood Education and Care Regulatory Authority Directorate and Evolve Accredited Facilitator. 

Shan has a background in sharing culture, working in remote Indigenous Communities, facilitating workshops, corporate training and supporting implementation of cultural policies. She prides herself on being a positive change agent and is passionate about Country, Culture, Mob, Traditions and Values. Her passion is infectious as she provides a safe space for everyone to quench their cultural curiosity to connect, grow and learn.

She looks forward to working with Evolve’s client partners, sharing from her culture and experience, and guiding you through the 7 Steps to Reconciliation and Allyship.


Book A Yarning Circle Workshop

Are you ready to engage your Leadership Team or RAP Committee with a highly interactive Yarning Circle Workshop, facilitated by Evolve’s Accredited Facilitators?