Broni Crear - Indigenous Accredited FacilitatorBRONI CREAR

Indigenous Facilitator


Broni Crear is a proud Wiradjuri woman currently residing in Canberra, ACT. As an Evolve Accredited Facilitator, she brings a wealth of experience in First Nations recruitment, employee services, and leadership. 

With a background deeply rooted in sharing culture and facilitating workshops, Broni’s passion lies in introducing participants to Indigenous wisdom. Her natural enthusiasm is contagious, fostering a warm and welcoming atmosphere where meaningful discussions thrive.

Broni’s journey is marked by a commitment to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Her extensive experience in recruitment and leadership positions has equipped her with a keen understanding of fostering positive relationships and driving teams towards shared goals.

In the yarning circle, Broni’s presence ensures that participants not only gain cultural awareness but also leave empowered. Her dedication to bridging gaps between cultures echoes Evolve’s mission of fostering effective Allies to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Join Broni in exploring the richness of Indigenous culture and embracing the power of inclusive leadership. 


Book A Yarning Circle Workshop

Are you ready to engage your Leadership Team or RAP Committee with a highly interactive Yarning Circle Workshop, facilitated by Evolve’s Accredited Facilitators?