Stacey Wells, Indigenous FacilitatorSTACEY WELLS

Indigenous Lead Facilitator & Ally Program Lead


Stacey Wells is a proud Gomeroi woman who is connected to her culture, and is a passionate advocate for First Nations people and culture. She has lived on various Country across Australia and possesses an appreciation for Country and environment. 

With a Certificate Four in Workplace Training, Stacey is a dynamic and authentic facilitator, dedicated to fostering understanding and appreciation for Indigenous cultures. Her engaging approach captivates audiences, sparking meaningful dialogue and promoting cultural awareness.

In her journey of cultural revitalisation, Stacey is committed to learning her traditional language, recognising its significance in preserving and sharing her cultural heritage.

Stacey also uses her time to volunteer, she loves to give back to her community and deepen her knowledge. Through her volunteer work, she contributes to mobs’ well-being and cultural resilience.

Stacey’s passion and commitment make her a strong advocate for Indigenous cultural awareness and reconciliation.

Drawing from her experience in providing First Nations advisory services to large organisations, Stacey brings invaluable knowledge and expertise to her work. Stacey’s professional and lived experience gives her a unique perspective that enriches her contributions as she seeks to bridge the gap.


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