Peta Fairlie, Marketing Coordinator & Ally, Evolve CommunitiesPETA FAIRLIE

Marketing Coordinator & Ally


Peta Fairlie is a non-Indigenous Ally and the Marketing coordinator at Evolve Communities. Her passion for Indigenous culture dates back to her childhood, fuelling her commitment to promoting understanding and respect.

Beginning her career as an Early Childhood Educator, she dedicated herself to instilling in children a reverence for First Nations people and their wisdom. Following the transition into motherhood, Peta found her niche in Social Media Marketing.

As Evolve’s Marketing Coordinator, Peta plays a crucial role in promoting cultural awareness and inclusivity within organisations. Peta’s passion for Allyship is evident through her work on her own TikTok, which is where she first caught our eye. Her support of Aunty Munya and her commitment to fostering understanding and respect caught the attention of Evolve Communities’ Marketing Manager, who was delighted when she agreed to join their team.

Peta’s dedication to fostering cultural understanding and respect is commendable, and her work contributes significantly to creating a kinder and more inclusive Australia.


Take The Ally Pledge

Join Peta and show our Indigenous brothers and sisters that we are here for them, we value their Voices and we are committed to continuing the journey towards Reconciliation.