Understanding Privilege

Having privilege doesn’t mean you are born rich or that you haven’t had to work hard.

All it means is that there are some things that give you an advantage and that you don’t have to think about.

In the video below, an extract from our Seven Steps Online Course, Aunty Munya shares an exercise called ‘The Privilege Walk’ that demonstrates some of the gaps that exist in Australian society.

Watch the video and then take our online privilege walk to learn more!

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • Bradley Chapman
    June 16, 2021 4:54 am

    4th Generation Australian of various UK based heritages. 2parent/4grandparent family. Stable home, access to uninterrupted schoolingK – 12 + Degree level. Assumed access was equal but -1972, 2nd Form[Year 8] Modern History: remember wondering where the [Aboriginal] kids were. Now know two equally confronting answers: 1. Indigenous students could be excluded from public schools on spurious “health” grounds at that time. 2. They were there right beside me the whole time but advised not to share or admit to their heritage. I feel robbed of knowledge despite privilege.

    • Maria, Evolve Communications
      June 17, 2021 5:47 am

      Thank you for sharing Bradley. Privilege takes many forms. We are so pleased that you found your way here and are taking steps to develop your cultural awareness. I hope you will continue reading our blogs, watching our videos and accessing the knowledge that you crave!


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