Important Things to Know About Aboriginal Cultural Sensitivity

Aboriginal cultural sensitivity is the attitude that recognises the cultural differences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people. Through shared knowledge and an increased understanding of the perspectives and experiences of Indigenous communities, it is hoped that more culturally safe environments can be established. 

But to accomplish this, it’s important to delve deep into Aboriginal culture–and one of the best places to start is the Indigenous cultural awareness training offered by Evolve Communities.

Key Strengths of Aboriginal Culture

Aboriginal cultural sensitivity goes beyond just answering basic questions like, “What are the First Nations peoples?” It requires a deeper comprehension of the perspectives and experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 

Here are some important strengths you should know about Aboriginal culture:


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a very strong sense of community. They have a strong sense of responsibility towards their Elders, family members, and other people in their circle. While this strengthens their civic-mindedness and provides them with a support system, it also affects their autonomy. 


Indigenous communities participate in a kinship system, in which their community is equally obliged to ensure their health and well-being. This sense of reciprocity should be taken into consideration as it ties into how they act and make decisions.


The decision-making process of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is largely community-based, which means that they’re likely to get the opinion of other members and the consensus of the community before settling on a view or action. You may then need to allocate more time for them to arrive at these results.

Respect to Elders

Indigenous people have Elders who hold high regard in their community, and so their guidance is often sought in most situations. When engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people, you must give the same level of respect to their authority, taking into account their recommendations.

Why Should I Care About Aboriginal Cultural Sensitivity?

Aboriginal cultural sensitivity doesn’t just affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people–it benefits all Australians in general. Here’s why you should care about Aboriginal cultural sensitivity:

Recognising History

The First Nations people play a large part in the history of Australia, but their stories are often overlooked in history books. If you work towards Aboriginal cultural sensitivity, you can help bring light to more than 50,000 years of heritage and contribute to building a more healthy, engaged, and inclusive nation that is grounded in its roots.

True Reconciliation

Aboriginal cultural sensitivity is a pathway to true reconciliation. By deconstructing stereotypes, promoting effective communication, considering different belief systems, and working alongside Indigenous communities, you can contribute to finding harmony through diversity and guaranteeing a better Australia for future generations.

Cultural Awareness

The culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is intertwined with that of all Australians. By striving for Aboriginal cultural sensitivity, you can uncover a deeper sense of your own identity, while developing a more inclusive worldview founded on respect, compassion, and empathy.

How to Promote Aboriginal Cultural Sensitivity

Promoting Aboriginal cultural sensitivity is a proactive and ongoing process. Here are some ways that you can do it effectively:


Open yourself up to more opportunities to learn about the culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Seek resources, engage in conversations, and stay curious. A great way to start educating yourself on Aboriginal cultural sensitivity is through Evolve Communities’ cultural awareness training.


Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by patronising their products, services, and events. You can also promote their educational endeavours or make a donation to their community channels. You may also do some volunteer community work, which doubles as a great chance to engage with members and gain insight into their culture.


Take Aboriginal cultural sensitivity up a notch by advocating for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people. Participate in talks, efforts, and decisions that forward Aboriginal representation, making sure to consult with Indigenous leaders as you do so. 

Speak up in support and participate in marches, protests, and similar events. Finally, help change outdated policies and backward environments by joining local groups that lobby for Aboriginal rights.

Achieve Aboriginal Cultural Sensitivity with Evolve Communities

Evolve Communities is dedicated to creating a kinder, more inclusive Australia through various cultural competency and ally training programs. We have decades of experience working with more than 800 employers across the country in providing workshops and courses, as well as ally accreditation. Book a call today to find out how Evolve Communities can help you learn more about Aboriginal cultural sensitivity!

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