How Can We Have Reconciliation Without Justice?

Did you know that Evolve’s co-Director Munya Andrews is not only an Aboriginal Elder, well-versed in the traditional laws of her people, she is also a barrister?

Last week, a jury convicted ex-policeman Derek Chauvin of murdering George Floyd, a milestone in the fraught racial history and ongoing struggle for equality in the United States.

Meanwhile in Australia, on April 15th we marked the 30th anniversary of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Report with nationwide protests. Few of the 339 recommendations have been implemented and over 470 Indigenous people have since died in custody.

As both an Aboriginal Elder and barrister, Aunty Munya is uniquely placed to discern how the Australian legal system is engaging with First Nations people.  You can read an abstract from an interview she provided to the Sydney Criminal Lawyers here:

How The Legal System is Often Culturally Insensitive

One thing is certain, we can’t have Reconciliation without justice. So, we’ve put together some practical steps you can take as an ally:

  1. Learn about the Royal Commission here: What was the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody? – Sydney Morning Herald
  2. Understand the facts and myths about Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: Not criminals or passive victims – The Conversation
  3. Take action – write to your local MP: Click here for instructions from ANTAR

Not sure what is meant by Aboriginal Law? Check out our educational video below. We publish new videos every week, be sure to follow us on your favourite social media platforms, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.

Curious about how we can help ignite your Reconciliation Action Plan and create a more culturally aware and inclusive workplace? Book a call below with Evolve co-Director Carla Rogers, or contact us today and let’s explore what we can do together.

Schedule a time to talk with Carla Rogers

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