Evolves Calendar of Significant Indigenous Dates: Acknowledging our shared history

The year is well and truly off and running! Like many organisations in Australia, The Evolve team spent time in January planning for the year ahead. We started by looking at significant dates.

Perhaps, like us, you downloaded a content calendar to help spark ideas for internal and external events and communications. These calendars include everything from Valentines Day to Groundhog Day and even World Pizza Day – which is today, February 9th, in case you were wondering!

What they are often missing however, even by providers in Australia, are many significant Indigenous dates, like February 13th, National Apology Day. It was on this day in 2008 that Prime Minister Kevin Rudd publicly apologised, on behalf of the Federal Government, to the Stolen Generations.

So, we have decided to publish our own Calendar of Significant Indigenous Dates, a FREE resource that you can download here.

Download Calendar
So, how does this calendar support practical reconciliation?

In this calendar, you’ll find dates that document the 200+ year fight for the rights of First Nations people in Australia. These dates provide meaningful opportunities to acknowledge the trials and celebrate the resilience of the world’s oldest surviving culture with your employees and clients.

Understanding our shared history is one of Evolves Seven Steps to Practical Reconciliation™, our tried-and-tested framework for building confidence to live and work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities.

If you would like further support with your Reconciliation Action Plan or Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training, please reach out.

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