National Reconciliation Week MAY 2020 | Let’s keep the conversation going!

National Reconciliation Week is here – and it’s ‘go’ time! If there ever was a time to get serious about strengthening relationships between non-Indigenous Australians and First Peoples, this. Is. It. 

At Evolve HQ, we’ll be honouring the occasion all week long with the things that will help you keep the conversation going. There’ll be practical tips. Useful strategies. Things to reflect on. There’ll be ‘aha!’ moments, there’ll be new insight and of course, it’ll all be underpinned by the unique wisdom of the world’s oldest surviving culture. Perhaps you have activities planned for your workplace? Or perhaps you don’t? 

Either way, you’re invited to jump in and immerse yourself in the culture we should all be so very proud of. 

Practical Reconciliation Tips

If you’d like some bite-sized tips or mythbusting, you’ll want to keep your eyes peeled on our blog,  Facebook or LinkedIn as Carla and Munya reveal their best Practical Reconciliation tips daily.

Dear Abby

If you’ve got a burning question, don’t hold it in! We’ve given our beloved Q&A section, Dear Abby, a makeover and will be launching her on our website this week. Don’t miss out!

Book Launch

And finally, join us for our long-awaited virtual book launch party on Wednesday as we welcome our new book, Practical Reconciliation: Strengthening Relationships for All Australians in Seven Easy Steps. We have recorded our invite to you below. Having poured so much work, experience, heart and soul into this and are so excited to share it with you! We’re also running a special presale offer, so if you’ve been looking for a practical handbook to Reconciliation (and one that’s been endorsed by Order of Australia recipients, Supreme Court Judges, Senators and more) – this is your lucky day. Don’t let it slip away from you!

You’re invited to all or as many of these events as you wish – just be aware that in some situations, places may be limited. 

Happy National Reconciliation Week – we can’t wait to see you during the week!

Inyjidigal Gorna,
Carla and Munya

(c) Evolve Communities, 2020

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National Reconciliation Week Tip #1 – ‘What is a RAP?’ with Aunty Munya Andrews

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