Journey into the Dreamtime

A popular question during our cultural awareness training is ‘What is Aboriginal Dreamtime?’  This is a bit like asking ‘What is Christianity?’ or ‘What is Islam?’ Oh and ‘Please explain it to me in a sentence or two’. Aboriginal Dreamtime is a fully fledged spiritual philosophy and way of life that is as complex as all the other world religions. An appreciation of it would require a lengthy course if not several years of learning. The quickest way is to culturally immerse yourself and be open to experiential epiphanies through guided cultural activities. For as one Yanuwa Elder remarked: ‘White people ask me all the time, what is the Dreaming? This is a difficult thing to answer because Dreaming is a  very BIG thing for Aboriginal people.’

And so it is. Be that as it may, we have an upcoming FREE webinar on Aboriginal Dreamtime. This webinar is the first of a series called Journey into the Dreamtime.

In the first session, we look at some basic concepts such as what is the Dreamtime and what does it mean for someone or something to have ‘Dreaming’? Who or what are Dreaming Beings, Songlines and Dreaming Tracks? What are ‘sacred sites’ and how do they relate to specific Dreamings? How do sacred sites empower us? What are the ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ realities of consciousness? What is the seed language? What are Dreaming Eyes and Dreaming Ears?  We look at Fire Dreaming (Creation) and sacred fire teachings such as Wudu and Madayin (the Carbon system of Law) and what it can teach us about life.  

Over the entire course of the series we expand upon these topics and explore them in greater detail.

Why don’t you come on a Journey into the Dreamtime to explore something more about Australia and its Indigenous peoples, and even more about yourself? 

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