Kindness Wins at the Telstra Best of Business Awards National Event

We are thrilled to announce that Evolve Communities has won the National Building Communities award at the 2024 Telstra Best of Business Awards.

It has been a long journey which started back in May 2023 when we submitted our close to 10,000 word application, alongside 22,000 small and medium sized businesses in Australia. 

We threw our hat in the ring for both “Indigenous Excellence” and “Building Communities” and were thrilled when we made it to the state finals in the “Building Communities” category, making us one of 159 successful applicants..

“We are so thrilled to have won, especially in this category,” explains our co-Director, Carla Rogers, “It shows that the judges really got us, and our purpose.”

What followed was a series of video interviews in August and the exciting news in November that we had made it through to being one of just 50 state winners

At the Telstra Best of Business Awards National Judging last week, our co-Directors, Aunty Munya Andrews and Carla Rogers, pitched live to the judges going up against an impressive array of fellow Building Communities State Winners, including Manapan Furniture, Accessible Homes Australia, and The Conversation.

The entire permanent team and our Australian based advisors, gathered on Thursday night for a black tie gala dinner – we were beyond excited when the announcement was made that Evolve Communities were the Building Communities National Winner. 

Our core team and advisors. From left to right: Jacqui Malins, Peta Fairlea, Maria Raines, Aunty Munya Andrews, Carla Rogers, Dr. Rosina McAlpine, Kate Kelleher, Mija Crasnich, Talise Rogers, Garry Pinch
Our Core Team: Mija Crasnich, Peta Fairlie, Carla Rogers, Maria Raines, Kate Kelleher, Aunty Munya Andrews
Our table at the Telstra Awards Night Gala Dinner
Aunty Munya Andrews
Carla Rogers
The big moment
The victorious Aunty Munya and Carla
Our trophy!
The obligatory silly photo
The Evolve core team and advisors

The judges were impressed with the scale of our business and our ability to make the world a kinder place. By holding equality at its core, they recognised that Evolve Communities are tackling the most divisive issue in Australia with a unique model that promotes respect and inclusivity for all. Our no blame, no guilt, no shame philosophy ensures Evolve’s programs remain refreshing and forward focused; with the judges noting that Aunty Munya’s influence on social media will help Australia move forward with gentleness and kindness.

“What an honour and a privilege to be associated with all of you beautiful, talented and creative people,” said Aunty Munya to her fellow Finalists in their acceptance speech. 

Aunty Munya went on to thank Telstra for acknowledging their efforts to build communities of Allies.

Carla Rogers also thanked Telstra, the judges and Alumni and went on to say: “First Nations peoples only account for about 3% of our population – our vision is for non-Indigenous people like myself to join our thriving communities of Allies who value and learn from each other and from First Nations people, to create a kinder, more inclusive Australia… Together we can do this.” 

Join our community of Allies

Let’s show our Indigenous brothers and sisters that we are here for them, we value their Voices and we are committed to continuing the journey towards Reconciliation.

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