5 Actions for Allies this National Reconciliation Week

The 2024 National Reconciliation Week (NRW) theme, Now More Than Ever, is a powerful call to action. It reminds us that no matter the challenges, the fight for Reconciliation, and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must continue.

We can’t leave this unfinished business to the 3% of our population that is Indigenous. Achieving Reconciliation will require the efforts of all Australians. So what do we mean by Reconciliation? It’s all about coming to terms with our shared history and moving forward, together.

Tackling such an enormous challenge can feel overwhelming, which is why Aunty Munya and I wrote the book Practical Reconciliation. Our focus is on the everyday actions that everyone can take. 

On that note, Aunty Munya and I have put together some actions to help you get started this National Reconciliation Week.

5 Actions for Allies this National Reconciliation Week:

  1. Access NRW Resources
    Explore educational resources available on Reconciliation Australia’s website to enrich your understanding and build your toolkit for meaningful action. Access NRW resources here.
  2. Amplify Indigenous Voices
    Follow, listen to, and amplify the perspectives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creators, activists, and organisations. Learn about some Elders you can follow online here.
  3. Support Indigenous Businesses
    Consciously choose to buy from Indigenous-owned businesses, suppliers and services to empower First Nations entrepreneurs and drive economic equality. Search for an Indigenous business here.
  4. Create Reconciliation Policies for your organisation
    Organisations can establish or strengthen their commitment to Reconciliation by introducing policies that prioritise inclusion, cultural awareness, and positive collaboration with Indigenous people and communities. Learn how to create an inspiring workplace for First Nations peoples here.
  5. Commit to Continuous Learning
    Beyond NRW, make cultural education an ongoing journey. Sign up for workshops or local initiatives to continue growing as an Ally. You can access our free resources for developing your cultural awareness and Ally skills here

National Reconciliation Week takes place each year from 27 May – 3 June. It’s a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving Reconciliation in Australia.

Show Up All Year

Achieving Reconciliation requires Allies like you to show up all year, not just at NRW. That’s why we created our Yarning Circle Membership. Join Aunty Munya and Carla every other month for a live and interactive webinar, watch webinar playbacks on-demand, and access bonus resources.

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